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What is App Password

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Like a normal password, an App Password is simply a password that you can use to give access to a specific application, person, or service.

The purpose of an App Password is that you can share a common inbox without exposing the master password. This helps prevent your master password from being compromised, as you don't have to use it anywhere other than for managing the account itself.


The following permissions can be assigned to each App Password you create:

  • IMAP - Incoming emails using the IMAP protocol
  • SMTP - Outgoing email
  • EAS/ActiveSync - Exchange protocol
  • CardDAV/CalDAV - vCard and vCal protocol
  • POP3 - Incoming email using the POP3 protocol
  • Sieve - Filtering

To create or manage an App Password, simply log into your hosted email account using your master password for the inbox, and then click on the "App Passwords" tab.

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