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How to create an email alias in Email Hosting

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In order to access to the domain administration panel to create/remove/manage email accounts, you must have the login credentials provided to your via the Activation Email.


The URL to log into the domain administration panel is also on the activation email. 



  1. Once logged in, click on the Aliases tab
  2. Click on the Add Alias button 
  3. A new popup should appear. The first field is the alias you want to create. Make sure to use the full address, such as [email protected]
  4. The second field is the mailbox you wish to be the destination address for any emails that go into the alias.
  5. You also have the option to select what to do with the incoming emails. Such as; Silently discard mail, Learn as spam, Learn as ham. Ham is good email
  6. When ready click on Add

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