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How to add a DNS record using the DNS Manager

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We recommend reading the How to use the DNS Manager for my domain article before continuing with this article


To use add a DNS record via the DNS Manager,





  1. Log into the Client Dashboard
  2. Click on the My Domains tab and click on DNS Manager
  3. Select your domain you want to use from the drop down, and click on Modify Domain
  4. Your are now at the Domain Overview, click on the DNS Zone Editor tab
  5. Click on the type of record you want to add and editor will be loaded for you

General Usage Guide

Host Column: Any value of the host column will be automatically appended to your domain. So if you have abc in the host, then the record you are entering will actually be applied to


If you want to apply the DNS setting to your actual domain itself, then enter in the host column. Special Note 1: Notice the period (.) at the end of the domain. This is very important, without it the record will be applied as


Value Column: This is for the actual value you want to apply to the record itself.


A Record

This record will translate a domain to a IP address


AAAA Record

This record will translate a domain to a IPv6 address


MX Record

This record will determine where your email is delivered to 


0 is the highest priority, which means the email will get delivered to the server with priority 0 first


Important: The Special Note 1 is applied on the value column. If you simply just enter without the period, then the value will translate to and your CNAME will not work


CNAME Record

This record will translate a domain to another domain's IP address


For example, if you want to translate ->


Host Column: abc

Value Column: 


Important: The Special Note 1 is applied on the value column. If you simply just enter without the period, then the value will translate to and your CNAME will not work


TXT Record

This record will store any special instruction or verification code for a domain/subdomain. 


SRV Record

This record will store any special service records for a domain/subdomain

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